Sunday, February 26, 2017

Weekly Recap: 2/19 - 2/25

Tracy's Happenings Off the Blog

What. A. Week. You may have noticed that things have been a bit quieter around the blog lately and that's honestly just because there has been A LOT going on! Currently my husband and I are preparing to move to our new home in a couple weeks and as you are reading this I'm on a cruise with my entire family for my parents' 30th anniversary. What I'm trying to say is... it may continue to be quiet here for a couple more weeks. Thank you so much for sticking with me through this! I promise I'll be back to normal soon!

New Books

This Week I Read

No new books finished!

MC's Happenings Off the Blog

Hi everyone! This week's update has to be pretty quick for me. Remember how I said I hurt myself last weekend? Well, it turns out I have a concussion. So I'm not supposed to be using my phone or my computer or reading at all. It's really boring. I'm on the mend, though, so I will be back to normal soon! I haven't received any books this week or finished reading anything, so there's not much to update you on. I hope you are all doing well and reading something awesome! I'm jealous!

New Books

Nothing this week!

This Week I Read

No new books finished!

In Case You Missed It

The topic was books I loved less than expected for Top Ten Tuesday
On Thursday I did the Disney Princess Book Tag
Friday audiobook review of Legend

Upcoming Reviews

We're linking up to Stacking the Shelves & The Sunday Post!