Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Top Ten Tuesday #268: Bookish Discoveries

Today's Topic: 
Bookish Discoveries I Made In 2019

Happy Tuesday! This is definitely one of those open ended topics I dread every year, but hurray for me! I actually came up with things I discovered last year! Well, not so much discovered as discovered that I liked them because none of these are secrets. XD 

BOOKSLEEVES - Seriously, I had NEVER used a booksleeve before 2019. Like, I knew they existed, I just never thought I needed one. It turns out they are super useful!

ADULT FANTASY - Okay yes, I knew this existed too, but I discovered that I LIKE it! I haven't really reviewed many because I haven't gotten to them, but my TBR is filling up. Any recs?

TBR CARTS - Let's just go ahead and acknowledge that I've probably already known most of these existed, I guess. I just didn't realize their usefulness! And honestly the carts are just cute.

BOOK PAINTING - I LOVE IT! I have no artistic ability whatsoever but surprise! Painting pages takes zero ability as long as you put enough weight on the pages. It's so relaxing. I just have to try not to paint everything...

READING PARTIES - It only really happened the once, but I found out that reading with another person who is also reading is FUN! I shared a room with a friend for ALA this year and honestly sharing with another introvert is the only way to go.

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl.