Friday, May 5, 2017

How to escape the dreaded blogging slump

Happy Friday, friends! The weekend is almost upon us! And with the weekend, as always, I'll recap my week and tell you all about the slump I've been in and how horrible I feel for not meeting my blogging and reading goals (although I may actually have done a decent job on the reading part this week). Then I'll tell you that I plan to spend the weekend catching up on blogging ahead, commenting back, and maybe even Bookstagram. But what do you do when you're truly in a blogging slump? And where do they even come from?

Blogging slumps seem to pop up at the absolute worst times and come out of nowhere! Things that have caused slumps in the past have ranged from feeling sad over my husband being on a business trip to being overwhelmed with a new home or pet. Sometimes there's no reason that I can discern!

Reading slumps suck in their own right, but I find them to be fairly easy to get out of via a quick contemporary romance or audiobook binge. Blogging slumps are a whole different animal!

I titled this post as if I'm going to give you all an incredibly insightful solution to this problem but... I'm not. Instead I'm going to list the ways I've pulled out of a slump in the past and ask you how you've done the same! Hopefully with your help I can get out of this slump and inspire others to do the same!


  • » Read discussion posts on favorite blogs
  • » Hosted a giveaway
  • » Joined a read-a-thon or other challenge
  • » Brainstormed blog post ideas for an afternoon
  • » Gotten a new blog theme or spruced up the current one
  • » Re-read an amazing book that I NEED to talk more about
  • » Made a blogging calendar
  • » Taken a break from blogging for a few days
  • » Spent a day blog hopping
  • » Participated in a new meme
  • » Remembered all the amazing blogging friends who read my blog

This time I've been in a slump for the last couple months. MONTHS! I haven't posted a good discussion in forever and blogging ahead has been next to impossible. I love my blog! I love creating content, so it makes me incredibly sad when I can't seem to find the motivation to do it. :/

How do you overcome slumps? Any tricks you'd like to share? 
Let me know in the comments!