Sunday, August 23, 2015

Weekly Recap: 8/16 - 8/22

My Super Exciting Life 

This week was basically spent in preparation for today because... as you're reading this I'm on the road to Disney World!! Finally! But other than that...

Slasher Girls and Monster Boys came out this week so yay!! I ordered a copy but I'm waiting on it to get to me and who knows how long that will take. We also celebrated my mom's birthday this week! We had cake and bread pudding and there were gifts and it was just a great time!

Grace at Rebel Mommy Book Blog also reviewed one of my candles this week, so thank you Grace for being awesome!

I'll be here throughout the week commenting and saying hi, but I'll probably be a little more scarce than normal. I hope everyone else has an amazing week!!

New Books


From the author/publisher:


From the library:


In Case You Missed It

Monday book review of Reawakened
The topic was auto-buy authors for Top Ten Tuesday
I featured The Marvels for Waiting on Wednesday
Thursday audiobook review of Talon
Friday I discussed types of Goodreads reviews that annoy me

This Week I Read


Upcoming Reviews